Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Greatest Success in Life

Everyone wants to be successful in life, but what defines success?  For me, at the age of 29, success was defined by my career.  I was at the top of my game and going places...God had other plans.

In 0ctober 2005, I became pregnant...unexpectedly.  For me, a dedicated career woman, it was an unwelcome shock.  However, it didn't take long for me to warm up to the idea of being a mom.  At 34 weeks pregnant, during a routine visit to the OB-GYN, the doctor expressed concern for the baby.  My measurements were not matching up to the gestational age of the baby.  An ultrasound was ordered.  The ultrasound didn't reveal anything of great concern but the doctor did state that the head circumference was not measuring up to the belly circumference.  His recommendation: "eat more! "  Hey, NO PROBLEM!!

Three weeks later, at 37 weeks, we encountered the same doctor, same situation.  After another ultrasound with the same results, he suggested I drink an Ensure with every meal.  It appeared the baby was not receiving enough nutrients.  The following week, on a Friday, they took my measurements and, again, I measures several weeks behind where I should have been.  They couldn't do an ultrasound because they had just done one the previous week and my insurance would not pay for it.  Instead, they hooked me up to the fetal heart monitor for an hour, diagnosed me with IUGR then sent me home and told me to come back Monday and we would do another ultrasound.

Keith and I spent the entire weekend terrified.  I spend hours online researching IUGR and prepared myself for the worst case scenario.  On Sunday morning Keith and I called out to God and prayed without ceasing for the health of our unborn child.  First thing Monday morning, we headed back to the doctor's office.  The first thing they did was take a measurement...39 weeks!!!  For the first time in 5 weeks, my measurements matched the gestational age of the baby.  Three days later I gave birth to a perfect, healthy, 6lb 7oz baby girl...Miss Addyson Mae McCoy.  It was on that day that I realized that the greatest success in life doesn't come from a come from having belief in God and faith in prayer!

That was just the first of 2 miracles our precious Mae Mae would experience by the hand of God!!

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